83 research outputs found

    Metafore mobilnih komunikacija ; Метафоры мобильной связи.

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    Mobilne komunikacije su polje informacione i komunikacione tehnologije koje karakteriše brzi razvoj i u kome se istraživanjem u analitičkim okvirima kognitivne lingvistike, zasnovanom na uzorku od 1005 odrednica, otkriva izrazito prisustvo metafore, metonimije, analogije i pojmovnog objedinjavanja. Analiza uzorka reči i izraza iz oblasti mobilnih medija, mobilnih operativnih sistema, dizajna korisničkih interfejsa, terminologije mobilnih mreža, kao i slenga i tekstizama koje upotrebljavaju korisnici mobilnih naprava ukazuje da pomenuti kognitivni mehanizmi imaju ključnu ulogu u olakšavanju interakcije između ljudi i širokog spektra mobilnih uređaja sa računarskim sposobnostima, od prenosivih računara i ličnih digitalnih asistenata (PDA), do mobilnih telefona, tableta i sprava koje se nose na telu. Ti mehanizmi predstavljaju temelj razumevanja i nalaze se u osnovi principa funkcionisanja grafičkih korisničkih interfejsa i direktne manipulacije u računarskim okruženjima. Takođe je analiziran i poseban uzorak od 660 emotikona i emođija koji pokazuju potencijal za proširenje značenja, imajući u vidu značaj piktograma za tekstualnu komunikaciju u vidu SMS poruka i razmenu tekstualnih sadržaja na društvenim mrežama kojima se redovno pristupa putem mobilnih uređaja...Mobile communications are a fast-developing field of information and communication technology whose exploration within the analytical framework of cognitive linguistics, based on a sample of 1005 entries, reveals the pervasive presence of metaphor, metonymy analogy and conceptual integration. The analysis of the sample consisting of words and phrases related to mobile media, mobile operating systems and interface design, the terminology of mobile networking, as well as the slang and textisms employed by mobile gadget users shows that the above cognitive mechanisms play a key role in facilitating interaction between people and a wide range of mobile computing devices from laptops and PDAs to mobile phones, tablets and wearables. They are the cornerstones of comprehension that are behind the principles of functioning of graphical user interfaces and direct manipulation in computing environments. A separate sample, featuring a selection of 660 emoticons and emoji, exhibiting the potential for semantic expansion was also analyzed, in view of the significance of pictograms for text-based communication in the form of text messages or exchanges on social media sites regularly accessed via mobile devices..

    Zaštićena područja Podunavlja kao potencijal razvoja turizma

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    Na teritoriji Podunavlja postoje brojne prirodne i antropogene turističke vrednosti koje se međusobno povezuju i dopunjuju. Kao visokovredne i jedinstvene zone izdvajaju se ekološka zona i istorijska zona Dunava. Vrednosti Podunavlja, sa aspekta turističke valorizacije su značajne u pogledu raznovrsnosti motiva, ekološke očuvanosti, vrednosti prirodne i kulturne baštine i u povoljnoj pristupačnosti atraktivnim turističkim zonama. Kao turistički atraktivne zone izdvajaju se zaštićena područja. Stepen njihove izvornosti, očuvanosti i zaštite predstavlja osnovu turističke valorizacije i omogućava razvoj više vrsta domaćeg i inostranog turizma. U tom pogledu, akcenat se stavlja na vrednosti zaštićenih područja, njihov povoljan geografski, turistički i saobraćajni položaj, njihove turističke i ugostiteljske kapacitete. Područje Podunavlja na osnovu izražene koncentracije zaštićenih kulturnih dobara, njihove istorijske i kulturne povezanosti, zajedno sa zaštićenim prirodnim vrednostima predstavlja polazište za očuvanje identiteta koridora vodnog puta i njegovog okruženja.Urednici: Marija Maksin, Nikola Krunić, Marina Nenković-RiznićPosebna izdanja br. 7

    Urbani razvoj i promene u korišćenju prostora priobalja: primer Beograda

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    Izuzеtаn gеоgrаfski pоlоžај nа ušću dvа mеđunаrоdnа rеčnа kоridоrа - Dunаvа i Sаvе - imао је pоsеbnu ulоgu u rаzvојu Bеоgrаdа tоkоm dugе istоriје. Ipаk, krоz višеdеcеniјski urbаnistički rаzvој prеstоnicе, brојni pоtеnciјаli priоbаlnih zоnа bili su, i оstаli su, nеiskоrišćеni. U rаdu sе аnаlizirајu nоviје iniciјаtivе trаnsfоrmаciје prоstоrа bеоgrаdskоg priоbаlја u kоntеkstu urbаnоg rаzvоја i sаvrеmеnih izаzоvа nеkоntrоlisаnоg „implоzivnоg“ rаstа Bеоgrаdа. Nеkоntrоlisаni urbаni rаst tоkоm nеkоlikо pоslеdnjih dеcеniја 20. vеkа biо је usmеrеn primаrnо kа rurаlnоm zаlеđu, dоk sе u nоviјеm pеriоdu uоčаvа trеnd rаstа unutаr urbаnоg pоdručја. Оbаlе rеkа Dunаvа i Sаvе prеdstаvlјајu znаčајаn dео аtrаktivnоg, а istоvrеmеnо nеdоvоlјnо i nеаdеkvаtnо iskоrišćеnоg, grаdskоg prоstоrа, u оkviru kојеg sе plаnirајu аmbiciоzni prеdlоzi rеkоnstrukciје i vrlо intеnzivnе nоvе izgrаdnjе.Urednici: Marija Maksin, Nikola Krunić, Marina Nenković-RiznićPosebna izdanja br. 7

    Imputing missing data using grey system theory and the biplot method to forecast groundwater levels and yields

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    Groundwater management is one of today’s important tasks. It has become necessary to seek out increasingly reliable methods to conserve groundwater resources. Dependable forecasting of the amounts of groundwater that can be abstracted in a sustainable manner requires longterm monitoring of the groundwater regime (rate of abstraction and groundwater levels). Monitoring of the groundwater source for the town of Bečej, Serbia had been disrupted for multiple years. The objective of the paper is to assess the possibility of reinterpreting the missing data or, in other words, to reconstruct the operation of the groundwater source and its effect on groundwater levels. At the Bečej source, groundwater is withdrawn from three water-bearing strata comprised of fine- to coarse-grained sands. Historic data are used to reconstruct the operation of the Bečej source between 1st of October 1980 to 1st of May 2010. The monitored parameters are total source yield and piezometric head at seven observation wells and 14 pumping wells. A data reconstruction methodology was developed, which included the use of an autoregressive (AR) model, a grey model (GM), and the biplot method. The methodology is applied to fill the data gaps during the considered period. The paper also describes the criteria for evaluating the accuracy of the AR model, GM, and biplot method. The proposed data reconstruction approach yielded satisfactory results and the methodology is deemed useful for the Bečej source data, as well as other historic data not necessarily associated with groundwater sources, but also groundwater control and protection systems, as well as hydrometeorological, hydrological and similar uses

    Efikasnost čišćenja kanala instrumentima sa recipročnim pokretima - studija SEM

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    Introduction/Objective The application of nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments in cleaning and shaping of the root canal system is a standard and a precondition for the success of endodontic treatment. The objective of this study was to use scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis in order to examine the efficiency of cleaning the apical third of the root canal system using two different NiTi systems with reciprocating movements. Methods The study included 20 single-rooted teeth (premolars) divided into two groups. In group 1, the canal preparation was realized with a single file UNICONE with reciprocating movements (MEDIN, Inc., Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic), and in group 2, with a RECIPROC BLUE instrument with reciprocating movements (VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany). The same quantities of 2% NaOCl solution and 17% EDTA solution were used as irrigation solutions. The samples prepared for SEM analysis of the smear layer in the apical third were evaluated on a scale of 1-5 and at a magnification of 1,000×. Results SEM analysis pointed to mostly clean canal walls in the apical segment in both tested groups. Slightly cleaner walls were observed after the application of the UNICONE file (78%) compared to the samples of the second group, where the instrumentation was realized by the RECIPROC BLUE file (76%), but without statistically significant differences. Conclusion Single-file reciprocating systems do not remove the smear layer completely, but provide efficient cleaning of the apical region of the canal.Uvod/Cilj Primena instrumenata od legure nikl-titanijum (NiTi) u čišćenju i oblikovanju kanala je standard i preduslov za uspeh endodontskog tretmana. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se analizom skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) proveri efikasnost čišćenja apikalne trećine kanala primenom dva različita NiTi sistema sa recipročnim pokretima. Metode U istraživanje je uključeno 20 jednokorenih zuba (pretkutnjaka) podeljenih u dve grupe. Preparacija kanala u prvoj grupi je realizovana jednom turpijom sa recipročnim pokretima UNICONE (MEDIN, Nove Mjesto u Moravskoj, Češka), a u drugoj instrumentom sa recipročnim pokretima RECIPROC BLUE (VDW Gmbh, Minhen, Nemačka). Kao rastvori za irigaciju korišćene su iste količine 2% rastvora NaOCl i 17% rastvor EDTA. Uzorci pripremljeni za analizu SEM razmaznog sloja u apikalnoj trećini su evoluirani prema skali 1-5 i na uveličanju od 1000×. Rezultati Analiza SEM je ukazala na uglavnom čiste zidove kanala u apeksnom segmentu u obe testirane grupe. Nešto čistiji zidovi uočeni su posle primene turpije UNICON (78%) u odnosu na uzorke druge grupe, gde je instrumentacija realizovana turpijom RECIPROC BLUE (76%), ali bez statistički značajnih razlika. Zaključak Recipročni sistemi sa jednom turpijom ne uklanjaju potpuno razmazni sloj, ali obezbeđuju efikasno čišćenje apikalne regije kanala

    Urban society and resilience of Belgrade and Novi Sad in the network of settlements in Serbia: recent changes and perspectives

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    As one of the modern substitutes for ‘sustainable development’, ‘resilience’ marks a relatively recent and overarching concept which relates to research of urban areas and urban society. In this paper, the resilience challenges are reflected on the urban context in Serbia, with special reference to two of its biggest cities - Belgrade and Novi Sad as the key pointers in growing imbalances in the settlement network of the country. Although this is not a particularity of Serbia, other urban settlements, especially small and medium-sized towns, have not been empowered enough to substantiate better links with smaller and larger settlements within urban-rural interface, and their role has been challenged from the aspect of ‘resilience of cities’. This paper also addresses the recent changes and perspectives for ‘resilience in cities’ with examples of Belgrade and Novi Sad. Finally, some implications are drawn towards potential adaptability within urban settings of Serbia

    Moderatorski učinak tjelesne visine na povezanost tjelesne mase i onesposobljenosti uzrokovane kroničnom nespecifičnom križoboljom u žena i muškaraca

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    The aim of the study was testing the hypothesis that body height has a moderating effect on the association of weight and chronic low back pain (LBP) induced disability, and that this moderating effect is different in women and men. We performed a nested cross-sectional analysis using data collected at baseline in a prospective cohort study conducted in 2008-2009 at a special hospital for medical rehabilitation in Croatia. The outcome was the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) score. The independent variable was body weight. The focal moderators were body height and sex. The moderation analysis was adjusted for seven sociodemographic and clinical covariates. We analyzed data on 72 patients with a median (interquartile range) age of 50 (43-55) years, 36 (50%) of whom were women, treated for nonspecific, chronic LBP. The interaction of sex, body weight and height was a significant predictor of the RMDQ score after adjustments for all covariates (increase of R2=0.13; p=0.001; false discovery rate <5%). In both sexes, the correlation between body weight and the RMDQ score was significantly moderated by body height but in opposite ways. In conclusion, the effects of body weight on physical disability are moderated by body height, but this moderation effect differs between women and men.Cilj je bio testirati hipotezu da tjelesna visina ima moderatorski učinak na povezanost težine i onesposobljenosti uzrokovane kroničnim bolovima u križima (KBK) te da se taj moderatorski učinak razlikuje kod žena i muškaraca. Proveli smo ugniježđenu presječnu analizu koristeći podatke prikupljene na početku prospektivne kohortne studije provedene 2008.- 2009. godine u specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju u Hrvatskoj. Ishod je bio rezultat Roland-Morrisova upitnika onesposobljenosti (RMDQ). Neovisna varijabla bila je tjelesna masa. Ciljani moderatori bili su tjelesna visina i spol. Analiza moderacije prilagođena je za sedam sociodemografskih i kliničkih kovarijata. Analizirali smo podatke za 72 bolesnika s medijanom (IQR) dobi 50 (43-55) godina, od kojih su 36 (50%) bile žene, liječenih zbog nespecifične KBK. Interakcija spola, tjelesne mase i visine bila je značajan prediktor rezultata RMDQ nakon prilagodbi za sve kovarijate (porast R2=0,13; p=0,001; stopa lažnih otkrića <5%). U oba spola je korelacija između tjelesne mase i rezultata RMDQ značajno moderirana tjelesnom visinom, ali u suprotnim smjerovima. U zaključku, učinci tjelesne mase na tjelesnu onesposobljenost moderirani su tjelesnom visinom, ali taj se moderatorski učinak razlikuje kod žena i muškaraca

    Efikasnost čišćenja kanala jednim instrumentom kod sistema sa recipročnim pokretima i sistema sa punom rotacijom - SEM studija

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    Introduction Efficient cleaning and canal design present a basic precondition for successful endodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate, using SEM analysis, the efficacy of cleaning the apical third of the canal with one instrument in both reciprocating motion and full rotation systems. Materials and methods Thirty (30) single-rooted teeth (upper incisors), extracted due to periodontal problems, were used and selected in 2 groups. In the group 1, instrumentation was done with a single instrument UNICONE with reciprocal movements (MEDIN, Czech Republic), while in the group 2, a single instrument XPS endo SHAPER (XPS) (FKG, Dentaire, Swiss) with full rotation was used. 2% solution of NaOCl and 17% EDTA solution were used as irrigation agents in both groups. SEM analysis of the smear layer in the apical third was done at standard magnification of 1000x and presented on a scale of 1-5. Results showed mostly clean canal walls and no smear layer in the apical region in both tested groups. Canal walls were somewhat cleaner after using UNICONE with reciprocal movements (80%) compared to the canals instrumented with XPS ENDO SHAPER (76%), but this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion Single-file NiTi systems did not remove smear layer completely, but provided efficient cleaning in the api-cal part of the canal. UNICONE file with reciprocal movements was somewhat more efficient in removing the smear layer compared to the full rotation XPS ENDO SHAPER file.Uvod Efikasno čišćenje I oblikovanje kanala je osnovni preduslov za uspeh endodontskog tretmana. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se SEM analizom proveri efikasnost čišćenja apikalne trećine kanala jednim instrumentom kod sistema sa recipročnim pokretima I sistema sa punom rotacijom. Materijal I metode Korišćeno je 30 jednokorenih zuba (gornji sekutići) ekstrahovanih zbog parodontalnih problema I podeljenih u dve grupe. U prvoj grupi preparacija kanala je realizovana instrumentom sa recipročnim pokretima - UNICONE (MEDIN, Czech Republic), a u drugoj instrumentom sa punom rotacijom - XP-endo Shaper (XPS) (FKG, DENTAIRE, Swiss). Kao sredstvo za irigaciju u obe grupe korišćen je 2% rastvor NaOCl I 17% rastvor EDTA. SEM analiza razmaznog sloja apikalne trećine je urađena na standardnom uvećanju od 1000× I procenjivana prema skali od 1 do 5. Rezultati Istraživanje je ukazalo na uglavnom čiste zidove kanala I bez razmaznog sloja u apikalnoj regiji u obe testirane grupe. Zidovi kanala su bili nešto čistiji posle primene instrumenta sa recipročnim pokretima - UNICONE (80%) u odnosu na kanale druge grupe gde je korišćen instrument sa punom rotacijom - XPS (76%), ali bez statistički značajnih razlika. Zaključak NiTi sistemi sa samo jednom turpijom ne uklanjaju potpuno razmazni sloj, ali obezbeđuju efikasno čišćenje apikalnog dela kanala. Turpija sa recipročnim pokretima UNICONE je bila nešto efikasnija u uklanjanju razmaznog sloja u odnosu na XPS turpiju sa punom rotacijom

    Efficiency of XP endo Shaper (XPS) and irrigation protocol on the quality of cleaning the apical third of root canal: SEM study

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    Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of new rotary NiTi instrument XP-endo SHAPER (XPS) used with two irrigation protocols on the root canal cleaning in the apical area. Material and Methods: The research was conducted on 30 single-rooted teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons which were divided into the two groups. Instrumentation of the canals was conducted with XPS instrument and 2% solution of NaOCl was used as irrigant. Instrumentation in the first group was performed using a conventional continuous irrigation, in the second group, protocol of final irrigation was performed intermittently in 3 cycles. The SEM analysis of the apical third of the canal was performed on longitudinal root cross-section standardized photomicrography with a magnification of 2000X. Results: Results showed that a thicker smear layer was observed in the first group and with continuous irrigation protocol (2,10) in relation to the intermittent irrigation protocol in 3 cycles (1,96), but without significant differences. The walls of the root canal in the apical third of the samples of the second group were slightly cleaner (73.3%) in comparison with the teeth of the first group (64, 7%), but also without significant differences. Conclusions: The use of XPS and 2% solution of NaOCl in the root canal enables efficient cleaning of the apical third of tooth. The final irrigation protocol in three cycles improves the efficiency of the smear layer removal in the apical segment of the canal

    XP-endo shaper (XPS) - efikasnost u čišćenju apeksne trećine kanala

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    Introduction The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of new rotary NiTi instrument XP endo SHAPER (XPS) used with conventional irrigation protocol on the root canal cleaning in the apical area. Material and methods The research was conducted in vitro on 40 extracted single-rooted teeth divided into the four groups. Instrumentation in the first group was performed using iRa Ce NiTi rotary instruments, in the second group the same instruments were used plus XP endo FINISHER (XPF) for smear layer removal. In the third group, canal instrumentation was done using new instrument XPS, and in the fourth XPS instruments plus XPF was used. During the instrumentation 2% NaOCl solution was used for rinsing canals. The SEM analysis of the cleaning quality in the apical third of the canal was performed on longitudinal root cross-sections and standardized microphotography with a 2000x magnification. Results The thickest smear layer in the apical third was recorded in the first group (iRa Ce) NiTi instruments (2.12), and somewhat less in the group with the new XPS instrument (1.95). An identical and somewhat smaller amount of smear layer was registered in the second and fourth groups where XPF was used with the final irrigant (1.64) (p lt 0.001). Conclusion The application of only one instrument (XPS) in the canal enabled efficient cleaning of a very complex apical third. Cleaning was more efficient when XPF was used with final irrigant after the canal instrumentation.Uvod Cilj ovog rada je bio da se SEM analizom proceni efikasnost čišćenja apeksne trećine kanala korena primenom novog rotirajućeg NiTi instrumenta XPS uz protokol konvencionalne irigacije. Materijal i metode rada Istraživanje je realizovano u in vitro uslovima na 40 ekstrahovanih jednokorenih zuba podeljenih u četiri grupe. Instrumentacija kanala u prvoj grupi je izvedena setom iRa Ce NiTi rotirajućih instrumenata, a u drugoj je nakon instrumentacije ovim setom za uklanjanje razmaznog sloja korišćen XPF. U trećoj grupi je instrumentacija kanala realizovana novim instrumentom XPS, a u četvrtoj je posle završene instrumentacije takođe korišćen XPS. Irigacija kanala korena u svim grupama je sprovedena 2% rastvorom NaOCl primenom konvencionalnog protokola. SEM analiza kvaliteta čišćenja apeksne trećine kanala je realizovana na uzdužnim presecima korenova i standardizovanim mikrofotografijama na uveličanju od 2000 puta. Rezultati Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je najviše razmaznog sloja u apeksnoj trećini zabeleženo u grupi gde je instrumentacija realizovana setom iRa Ce NiTi instrumenata (2,12), a nešto manje u grupi sa novim instrumentom XPS (1,95). Identična i nešto manja količina razmaznog sloja je registrovana u drugoj i četvrtoj grupi, gde je posle završene instrumentacije korišćen XPF (1,64) (p lt 0,001). Zaključak Primena samo jednog instrumenta (XPS) u instrumentaciji kanala obezbeđuje efikasno čišćenje vrlo kompleksne apeksne trećine. Ovo čišćenje je značajno efikasnije posle primene XPF nakon završene instrumentacije kanala